Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stink Bug!

What is a stink bug?
Stink bugs are considered to be agricultural pest insects that are reproducing and traveling at alarming rates.  They reproduce large populations and usually reside in warm places, like homes.  Stink bugs are enemies for croppers because they damage crop population, suck out the plant juices, and ultimately are resistant to most pesticides making them virtually terrors. 
Although they are hated by many they do serve a purpose.  One of the major benefits of a stink bug is that it is a predator for other unwanted insects, such as, Mexican Bean Beetles, Japanese Beetles, and many others. 
What does a stink bug look like?

A stink bug generally is shield-shaped and at adult size is usually an inch.  They are different shades of brown throughout its body surfaces, and bluish metallic punctures of color located on the head.  Stink bugs have antennae as well as wings. 
Why is it called a stink bug?
It is called a stink bug because of the odor it emits.  When a stink bug is disturbed, feels threatened, or is crushed it ejects a very foul odor that smells similar to a skunk's scent. 
“It’s an incredible hitchhiker.” “The adults are moving and looking for places to spend the winter,” said Tracy Leskey
Are you ready for a new roommate?  Well, if not, be prepared to take action because winter is here and our little unwanted stink bugs are looking for warm homes to shack up in.  Call ALCO NJ Pest Control today! 
(973)-540-9944 or (201)-261-7566

The Dangers of Squirrels

They’re furry, soft and cute as can be, but make no mistake about it a squirrel is not to be confused for a household pet. Although they co-inhabit our living spaces and are constantly crossing our paths, it does not mean that they are friendly animals. First and foremost, attempting to feed a squirrel is strongly discouraged as they often miss the mark of where the food ends and the human finger begins- hence making their bites extremely painful due to their sharp and hook type teeth. However when it is out of your control, such as inhabiting your attic- it becomes even more dangerous for many reasons, two of which are: 

1) Causing a fire should they reach the electrical wires. Primarily known for their big teeth, squirrels are big chewers and they don’t discriminate what is chewed.

2) Although they invade your attic, it does not necessarily mean they will stay in the attic. Therefore they could end up in your living room and attack if they feel threatened.

Ultimately, the best way to eradicate squirrels from your home is to trap them. However, trapping should be conducted by professional animal removers who can handle it efficiently and safely.

“The Dangers of Typical Neighborhood Animals You Don’t Think of As Dangerous (Squirrels & Raccoons & Skunks, Oh My!).
Accessed 16 October 2010
Dinger, Bruce. “How can cute squirrels be so dangerous?”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

4 Things You Need To Know About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs…the word alone emits an abundance of emotions, none of which are positive. But known as parasites for thousands of years, 2010 marked the comeback year for the bed bug with an increase of complaints of over 5000%. Some key facts to keep in mind:

Their Look:
Oval in shape and reddish brown, these flat and wingless parasites are only 4-5 mm in length and 1.5-3mm wide, making them extremely difficult to detect.

Their Bite:
A real life vampire, they only feed at night with up to 5 minute intervals at a time. Two hollow feeding tubes are inserted into your skin- one injects its saliva while the other drinks your blood- all while you are asleep and barely feeling a thing.

The Symptoms:
Detecting symptoms is often tricky because it may look like a mosquito bite as it too can itch. The difference however, is that bed bugs create a pattern of bites (also known as ‘breakfast’, ‘lunch’ and ‘dinner’) that can lead to swelling and rashes.

The Solution:
Attempting to get rid of bed bugs on your own is a bad idea. Exterminators themselves consider the eradication of bed bugs difficult primarily due to their small size and the fact that they only feed on human blood, hence making poisoning their food not an option. But do call an exterminator right away and make sure they are specifically trained for bed bug infestations.

Corea, Renee, 26 July 2010. “New York vs Bed Bugs”
Accessed 14 October 2010

Accessed 14 October 2010

Accessed 15 October 2010

“Bed Bug Bite Symptoms”
Accessed 15 October 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fending of Termites in NJ during Springtime

OVER the next few weeks, homeowners may find thousands of half-inch-long semi-transparent wings littering the floor, basement or patio. The wings are a remnant of the annual mating frenzy engaged in by termites, one of the planet's most resilient pests.

"Termites are swarming big time this year," said Michael F. Potter, a professor of urban entomology at the University of Kentucky, in Lexington. "Swarming is the way new termite colonies are formed. Thousands of winged insects are vented from an existing colony, they land, their wings fall off, they pair up, excavate a cell in the ground and start making a new colony."
Read the Rest Here

Friday, June 25, 2010

What you need to know about bee swarms in NJ.

Most people are afraid of bee swarms in NJ. This is because there are a lot of wrong perceptions regarding bees that have been said. When one sees thousands of bees that are flying, the initial reaction is to run and hide. They thought that these bees would just attack them and hurt them. But what most people thought of is wrong. This is because bees don't just fly around to hurt people. Bees are not grouped together flying on the air to attack people. Bee swarm is a natural thing and bees really need to do this.

Do you know what bee swarm is and do you know why bees are doing this? Just like any other creatures, it is the aim of bees to increase their population. You must know that there are thousands of bees that are dying each day and to replace them, the queen lays thousands of eggs everyday. Bee swarm happens when the colony is already crowded and there is a need for most bees to evacuate and go to another bee hive.

Inside a colony, there is only one queen and there are thousands of worker bees. Once the hive is too crowded, the bees will now create a new queen. Before the new queen will get out of her cell, the old queen will now fly away with almost the half of the workers with her and will go to the new hive to create a new colony. More often than not, they will put their new home on the branches of the tree. They will stay there for about hours or days until they find the best place for them.

When you see bee swarm, that means that these bees are finding their new home. In that group, there is only one queen bee. This group of bees will not attack you unless you disturb them. So you must not be afraid when you see thousand of bees flying in the air because this is just a natural thing. Bees need to do this so that their life will continue and their population will grow. You must not be scared of bees because they are a big help to the environment. They are helping in balancing the ecosystem and aside from that, they are the ones that produce the best tasting honey. They will just attack people if they feel that they are threatened so you must learn to respect them so that they will not harm you.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Choosing an Insect Control Company in NJ

Unfortunately, insects are everywhere, always on the lookout for new places to nest and new sources of food. Such infestations mean it's time to look for professional insect control. New Jersey is particularly prone to insect issues, being an extensive built-up area that encompasses many of the environments that insects find attractive and useful: rivers, sewers, underground structures and tunnels, abandoned buildings and so on. New Jersey is a large conurbation, with a range of insect control companies available, and you need to consider carefully what to look for in a insect control supplier. Each region of New Jersey has its own providers, and while many will offer to cover the whole of the capital, you may want to consider choosing a supplier in your local borough who can reach you and deal with your issue relatively quickly.

If you find that your home has a problem with insects, you need to seek help from a company who can offer professional insect control. New Jersey has many vermin control professionals, so make sure you choose one who can offer quick response times, adheres to all applicable insect control regulations and agrees to be accountable for everything they do.

Professional companies should be ready and willing to help you with your problems from the very first phone call. When you ring them with your insect control query, they should be able to identify the type of insects you have in your home, and advise you on appropriate treatments as well as the actions you can take to ensure that the insects do not return and you do not have any future need for insect control. New Jersey firms specializing in insect control should also advise you up front about the costs that will be involved, so you're 100% clear on the price for your insect control. If your insect problem cannot be identified over the phone, your supplier should offer to visit your home and carry out a survey.

Some problems require more than a quick fix - they need long-term insect control. New Jersey residents facing insect problems need to be confident that the insects will not be coming back. So make sure your vermin control supplier is offering a solution that will prevent insects from re-establishing themselves once the initial infestation has been dealt with.

A proactive approach can be hugely beneficial in avoiding the need for expensive insect control. New Jersey firms sometimes offer scheduled regular visits from service technicians, which can help keep insect threats to a minimum. Informed support can also help staff understand what they are up against, and help them to take preventive action before problems occur.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Looking for organic insect control in NJ?

Do you own or rent a property where you have access to the lawn or garden? If you do, then you already know that with summer on the near horizon that it’s important to start thinking about organic insect control in NJ. Some of the biggest challenges to the gardeners are that during the late spring and summer, the garden is invaded with different types of insects. If you eat anything from the garden, or care about its longevity, then you will of course think twice about using chemical pesticides which might spoil your soil and the quality of your plants.

With so many different types of insects that can invade your garden, it is important that you gain some knowledge about these bugs and the different organic ways you can get rid of them. Organic insect control such as organic pesticides, biological controls are very effective at these pests. Believe it or not, but you do not have to use dangerous insecticides when you are trying to take care of the pests in your home, garden, and lawn. There are many pest control organic solutions at your disposal that you can prepare by yourself that can be just as effective. Perhaps the best thing about using these organic pesticides is that they will only kill off the harmful organisms while leaving the beneficial ones unharmed.

If you have a garden, then caterpillars can be a severe annoyance, especially when they are eating your plants. However, before you turn to chemical insecticide, try an all natural approach to pest control. Organic solutions include a garlic and red pepper spray that is highly effective. To prepare this concoction, chop up an unpeeled onion and an unpeeled head of garlic. Place these in a saucepan along with a teaspoon of red pepper and three pints of water. Cook for about twenty minutes and allow it to cool. It is now ready to be sprayed on any caterpillars you find in your garden. You can cover plants with this solution and it will not harm them in the slightest. Of course make sure to wash your vegetables, fruits, or crops before you consume them so you don’t get a jalapeño tasting tomatoes.

When you are trying find organic insect control methods, you have many different options to choose from no matter what type of pest you are dealing with. Let’s say that you have spider mites crawling over your plants and you want to get rid of them. You can easily solve this problem by planting oil of geranium near your plants. Geraniums are a natural insect repellent and are highly effective when it comes to keeping cabbage worms away from your grapes and corn. Horseradish can deter potato bugs and lavender will get rid of mice, moths, and ticks while attracting beautiful butterflies to your garden. If you’re not sure about doing the work yourself, try seeing an organic insect control company in NJ for help.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dealing with Pests in the Spring

Spring is here, and with it a multitude of pests, from rodents to insects that seek to invade homes, lawns and gardens. Alco Animal & Pest Control, located in Bloomfield, NJ, is busy this time of year helping New Jersey residents deal with these pests safely and efficiently.


Swarm season is upon us and Alco’s technicians are well prepared to deal with termite and carpenter ant swarms. Spring’s arrival also means the return of other unwanted insects such as carpenter bees, wasps, cave crickets, spiders, and ants. Alco Animal & Pest Control can also remove bee nests and wasp nets then treat the area so that the pests do not return. All treatments are guaranteed.

Rodents & Animals

Spring season is also breeding season for many rodents and animals in New Jersey. Alco’s technicians have been busy lately safely removing squirrel and raccoon babies from customer’s homes, as well as sealing up entry points to prevent the possibility of re-entry. Alco Animal & Pest Control specializes in animal exclusion work. New Jersey residents will also begin to notice that spring means the return of moles and ground hogs. If you have a garden or like to keep your lawn well-maintained, then these are two pests you can live without. Alco’s technicians are well equipped to deal with moles and ground hogs so that your property remains green and clean throughout the spring and summer months.